PRIF sector and thematic working groups facilitate program coordination, consultation and networking among partner experts working on infrastructure development in the Pacific. Working groups provide an opportunity for members to engage with technical counterparts, share experiences, operational pipelines and activities. Working groups identify and advocate for sector priority initiatives and technical assistance to be incorporated into the annual PRIF work plan. Working groups comprise experts from various infrastructure sub-sectors. Currently there are 175 partner sector specialists active in PRIF working groups. The present sector working groups are: energy, information and communications technology, transport, urban development and water and sanitation. Thematic working groups include thematic experts working on key cross-cutting issues, including environment and social safeguards and sustainable infrastructure management.

Climate and Disaster Resilience

Energy Sector Working Group

Environmental and Social Working Group

Information and Communications Technology Sector Working Group

Sustainable Infrastructure Management Working Group

Transport Sector Working Group

Urban Development Sector Working Group