The event aims to advance digital transformation and resilience initiatives across Pacific Island Countries (PICs).


The event aims to advance digital transformation and resilience initiatives across Pacific Island Countries (PICs). It will focus on fostering partnerships between governments, development partners, and the private sector to enhance digital infrastructure, cybersecurity, and digital public services in the Pacific. 

The event will feature knowledge sharing, digital ecosystem showcases, and brainstorming sessions, with a focus on the transformative potential of digital technologies in enhancing digital resilience in the region. 

Data X Blue Pacific seeks to build momentum toward sustainable digital growth and greater regional cooperation in the Pacific aligned with 2050 Blue Pacific Strategy and Lagatoi Declaration.

It is organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) with funding support from New Zealand Pacific Partnership Fund (NZ PPF). 

You can download a full PDF of the conference program by clicking here.

You can Register Here.

Time Session Title Speakers and Topics Presentations Video

Opening Remarks

Shane Rosenthal, Regional Director, PLCO, ADB
Antonio Zaballos, Director, CCDT, ADB (online)
Dr. Robert Guild, Team Leader, PRIF Coordination Office
Tanya Morjanoff, Director, Infrastructure Policy and Engagement Section, DFAT
Katherine Halliburton, Lead Advisor - Digital; Pacific and Development Group, MFAT
Kim Tuminaro, Deputy Director, Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy’s Office of International Information and Communications Policy, US Department of State

10:00am – 10:30am

Introduction of Participants

ADB CO Staff introduce themselves and their respective Country delegates. PRIF Partners introduce their delegates.

11:00am – 12:30pm

Setting the Scene for Digital Transformation in the Pacific

Framing presentation. Widespread access to mobile telephone networks and the internet came late to the Pacific, compared to many parts of the world. There have been many changes and improvements in the past decade or two. Nonetheless, access to, and uptake of, telecommunications vary between Pacific Island nations.

This brief presentation sets the scene by outlining the digital connectivity status of the Pacific region. It identifies key challenges and points to efforts being made to strive for ubiquity of access. The term ‘digital transformation’ has become popular in the Pacific in recent years and the presentation will summarize opportunities such as e-government and e-commerce.

Dr. Amanda Watson, Fellow, Department of Pacific Affairs, ANU

Overview of the Digital Economy and AI relevant to the development of Pacific Island Nations. This session will introduce the current landscape of the digital technology and how artificial intelligence (AI) can drive transformative economic development in Pacific Island nations. It will cover the fundamental concepts of AI, explore global trends in AI and digital transformation, and discuss practical applications that can support Pacific Island nations' development objectives.

Following the presentation, a facilitated discussion will explore key opportunities and challenges for AI adoption in the Pacific, with a focus on capacity building, infrastructure, and policy frameworks.

Dr. Stefan Hajkowicz, Principal Scientist in Strategy and Foresight, CSIRO

13:30pm – 14:30pm

Hard Digital Infrastructure: Submarine Cables

This panel discussion provides a comprehensive overview of the Pacific Islands’ digital infrastructure. Digital infrastructure is an essential driver for economic growth, innovation, social development, and digital transformation. The panel discussion convenes experts to discuss the infrastructure required to support an open, interoperable, secure, and trusted digital ecosystem.

The panelists will discuss opportunities, challenges, and potential solutions that might accelerate the growth and advancement of the region's digital infrastructure, ultimately contributing to economic growth and the priorities Pacific Island Countries have identified.

Dr. Amanda Watson, Fellow, Department of Pacific Affairs, ANU (Moderator)
Susanne Bent, Director, Telecommunications Unit, AIFFP, DFAT AIFFP submarine cable projects
Kim Tuminaro, Deputy Director, Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy’s Office of International Information and Communications Policy, US Department of State
Shirshendu Bhattacharya, Global Submarine Product & Service Innovation Lead, Google

2:30pm – 3:30pm

Hard Digital Infrastructure: Data Centers, Telecommunications, & Private Sector Investment

This panel discussion provides a comprehensive overview of the Pacific Islands’ digital infrastructure. Digital infrastructure is an essential driver for economic growth, innovation, social development, and digital transformation. The panel discussion convenes experts to discuss the infrastructure required to support an open, interoperable, secure, and trusted digital ecosystem.

The panelists will discuss opportunities, challenges, and potential solutions that might accelerate the growth and advancement of the region's digital infrastructure, ultimately contributing to economic growth and the priorities Pacific Island Countries have identified.

David Lloyd, Senior Investment Executive, Pacific Private Sector – Suva, Fiji; Consultant, PSOD, ADB (Moderator)
Simon Fletcher, Managing Director, Prima Ltd
Tahani Iqbal, Digital Development Specialist, ADB
lvan Fong, CEO, ATH Group (Amalgamated Telecom Holdings Ltd)
Jacques-Samuel Prolon, Executive Vice President - Corporate Development, Kacific

4:00pm – 5:30pm

Data Governance and Management

The panel will bring together experts to discuss domestic, regional, and global efforts to promote consistency and interoperability in data transfers. This panel will aim to capture some of the data privacy and international data transfer developments across the Pacific Islands and discuss the path forward for data governance and management.

Dr. Ian Oppermann, Co-Founder ServiceGen; Former NSW Government Chief Data Scientist
Mohammad Chowdhury, Long Street Advisors (DFAT Consultant)
Kim Tuminaro, Deputy Director, Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy’s Office of International Information and Communications Policy, US Department of State
Mr. Jonathan Palmer, Consultant, Data Governance for Digital Transformation, APCICT

Time Session Title Speakers and Topics Presentations Video
9:00am – 10:00am

Financing Opportunities to Support Digital Transformation in the Blue Pacific

During this panel, PRIF partners will provide an overview of their respective organization’s funding mechanisms in support of the Blue Pacific’s digital transformation vision.

Said Zaidansyah, Country Director, Papua New Guinea Resident Mission, ADB
Jung Ho Kim, Principal Operations Coordination Specialist, Pacific Department, ADB
Tanya Morjanoff, Director, Infrastructure Policy and Engagement Section, DFAT

10:30am – 11:00am

Capacity Building and Adapting to Change - Practical Multi- Stakeholder Collaboration in the Pacific

Paul Twomey, PRIF (Consultant) (Moderator)

Now that we have the Cables: Capacity Building and Adapting to Change - Practical Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration in the Pacific for a Better Internet.

The Wellington Forum was a high-level discussion on approaches to improve multi-stakeholder contributions to the practical development of the Internet in the Pacific Islands. The two-day Forum brought together donors, technical community and PIC Internet coordination organisations forum to share what they are doing and their needs. The Country Code operators for Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Tonga, Tuvalu, Samoa, Vanuatu, Kiribati, the Solomon Islands and Cook Islands participated; as did a number of cybersecurity experts. The Wellington Forum was a rich environment for consulting stakeholders and mapping present efforts and needs.

Bruce Tonkin, COO, auDA
Jane Smith, Chief People and Culture Officer, auDA

11:00am – 11:45am

Regional Lessons from implementation of the PALM scheme

The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme allows eligible Australian businesses to hire workers from 9 Pacific islands and Timor-Leste when there are not enough local workers available.

Jordan Duffy, CIO of Pacific Labour Facility (Consultant)

11:45am – 12:30pm

Stocktake of Regional initiatives in Digital Transformation

Summary of reports over last decade issues/opportunities lessons learned so far, Criteria for decision-making, Opportunities.

Paul Twomey, PRIF (Consultant)


Soft Infrastructure progress in PICs (Digital ID, eGovernment, etc.)

James Neumann, World Bank (Moderator & Presenter) 
Jeff Montgomery, Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Adviser for the Pacific Community (SPC) 
Krisstina Rao & David Eaves, DPI Map Project

2:30pm – 3:30pm

Brainstorming – Identifying country needs and aligning with 2050 Strategy and Lagatoi Declaration

The Pacific ICT Ministerial Dialogue 2023 brought together ICT Ministers and Heads of Delegation from across the Pacific Island Countries and Territories to foster collaboration, discuss challenges, and chart a course for the digital future of the region. The highlight of the event was the signing of the Lagatoi Declaration on Digital Transformation of the Pacific.

Pedro Tavares, Public Management Specialist (Digital Transformation), CCDT, ADB

4:00pm – 5:30pm

IoT, Digital Infrastructure & Cybersecurity Initiatives in the Pacific

Mohan Baruwal Chhetri, Data 61

Recent developments in Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices and the digital infrastructure needed
to support them, particularly in the context of the Pacific Island nations. Unique cybersecurity
challenges posed by IoT connectivity and strategies for building secure and resilient digital
ecosystems. Topics will include best practices for managing cybersecurity risks, securing IoT
networks, and ensuring data privacy in digital transformations.

Luke Slattery, Director, Telecommunications Policy, Connectivity and Infrastructure Policy
Branch, DFAT
Mitchell Dunn, Director, Pacific Cyber Cooperation, Internation Security Division, DFAT

Digital infrastructure, digital development, cloud solutions, cybersecurity matters and policy concerns

Hayley Kim, Policy Officer – Digital and Cyber Security, Development Economy and Prosperity (DEVECO) Division, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade
Kim Tuminaro, Deputy Director, Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy’s Office of International Information and Communications Policy, US Department of State
Anju Mangal, Chief of Party, USAID Pacific Digital Connectivity and Cybersecurity
John Avila, Senior Economic Growth Specialist, Office of Economic Development and Governance, USAID Philippines

Digital Connectivity and Cybersecurity Partnership (DCCP)

Time Session Title Speakers and Topics Presentations Video
9:00am – 10:30am

Climate services and ICT linkages

Showcase digital applications in effectively disseminating climate services in the region.

Paolo Manunta, Senior Digital Technology Specialist (Earth Observation), CCDT, ADB (Moderator & Presenter “Geospatial ADB initiatives and opportunities”)

Mahesh Prakash Data 61, CSIRO

Data-driven and AI-enabled approaches for climate and hazard forecasting. This session will delve into the use of data science and AI for climate and natural hazard forecasting. It will demonstrate how cutting-edge AI models can predict extreme weather events, such as cyclones and floods, and their potential impacts on Pacific communities and infrastructure. Real-world case studies wil show how these technologies have been applied in other regions to improve disaster preparedness and resilience.

Patricia Mallam, Knowledge Broker, Intra-ACP Climate Services and Related Applications Programme, Secretariat for the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Bruce M. Howe, Research Professor, Department of Ocean and Resources Engineering (ORE), School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST)
The Science Monitoring And Reliable Telecommunications (SMART) Subsea Cables initiative
Dulip Tillekeratne, Strategic Partnerships Director, Mobile for Humanitarian Innovation GSMA & EW4All

11:00am - 12:30pm

Digital Capacity Building and Skills Development

Sajib Azad, Digital Governance Specialist, Digital Democracy Manager, UNDP
Ali Akram, Regional Programme Manager (IDE), UNCDF 

- Digital and Financial Literacy Surveys
- Capacity Building Across Pacific Islands + Scam Awareness
- Digital / Financial Literacy and Education
- Mobile Money and Financial Inclusion
- Digital Innovation for Public Services

John Jack, Deputy, CIO, OGCIO, Vanuatu
Dalsie Green Baniala, National Project Manager, Smart Islands

Lessons from ITU Smart Island Smart Village pilot South Malekula and Next Steps

The Smart Villages and Smart Islands model is based on a whole-of-government approach and is demand-driven, user-centric, flexible, and focused on sustainability, scalability, and multi-sector collaboration. It is designed to manifest digital transformation at the community level, to leave no one behind. 

The approach focuses on four key pillars 

(i) improving broadband connectivity 
(ii) making broadband affordable (iii) enhancing digital skills (iv) and providing digital services, to impact people's lives based on their local priorities.

Sarah Sloan, Head of Government Affairs and Public Policy, ANZ and Indonesia Palo Alto Networks “Pacific Island Cyber Preparedness Series: Lessons from Cook Islands.”

This program represents the inaugural phase of a comprehensive cybersecurity improvement initiative for the region, laying the foundation for ongoing discussions and progress. Pacific participants will gain a high-level understanding of cybersecurity issues and imperatives, effective approaches to manage cyber risk, the global cyber threat environment as well as key
considerations and actions to take when preparing for a cyber incident.

Dulip Tillekeratne, Strategic Partnerships Director, Mobile for Humanitarian Innovation GSMA Capacity Building Initiatives


Sharing of Highlights & Actions for Next Steps

2:30pm – 3:00pm

Plenary: Concluding Remarks


Hard Stop at Collider Venue

3:30pm - 5:30pm

Opportunity for Bilateral meetings at ADB Pacific Liaison Coordination Office

Directions to ADB PLCO

Time Session Title Speakers and Topics Presentations Video
9:00am – 10:30am

ADB Reflection and Ideation

11:00am – 12:30pm

Way forward (business development, technical assistance, P2P Learning, etc.)

2:00pm – 3:30pm

Wrap up and farewell