Papua New Guinea

The Asian Development Bank's country operations business plan (COBP), 2021–2023 for Papua New Guinea (PNG) is consistent with ADB’s country partnership strategy (CPS), 2021–2025 for PNG. The CPS features three strategic pathways: (i)  to enable diversified economic growth through improvements to infrastructure, including in transport and energy, and to bolster the private sector—such as micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs)—through a more competitive yet transparent business environment, and more ADB-supported private sector transactions; (ii)  support improving governance, financial management and institutional strengthening across all institutions that ADB engages with in PNG, including state-owned enterprises, to improve efficiency and public service delivery; and (iii) to address inclusivity and build resilience, with a focus on improving human development outcomes, and building resilience to climate and disaster risks. The three pathways are both complementary and overlapping.